Michael Broderick

Michael Broderick Portrait

Professional Realtor

Office: 480.685.2760
Fax: 480.736.8410

I have been in the real estate industry since 1986. In that time I have successfully worked with thousands of clients making their dreams of homeownership come true.

I have learned that clients want to be treated with respect, integrity and honesty. Sounds simple right? This business is not that complicated. Communication is the key. From identifying what the buyer’s perfect house is to understanding a seller’s concerns about access to the property for showings or helping to work thru pre-listing repairs,  my experience is a huge asset. I have sold 100% of the properties that I have listed. That is not a misprint.

If you are looking for very little feedback or a purely electronic communication flow I am probably not your Realtor. I am savvy electronically, but some conversations are best on the phone.

If, on the other hand, you would appreciate honest suggestions, feedback and total effort to sell your home for the maximum price please give me a call.

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