Aleta Henriquez

Aleta Henriquez Portrait

Phone: 623-533-2931


`Aleta has been in the real estate business for 8 years working in the east & west valley.
Prior to that, she worked in the escrow & title industry for 17 years.
She is an intuitive empath, with sharp negotiation skills, trustworthy, methodical & detail oriented.
Aleta’s greatest gratification of being a realtor is helping the homeowner who thought they would never accomplish owning a home.
Out of the office, she thoroughly enjoys spending time with her blended family of 9 & 2 grandbabies.
Let’s not forget the fur babies: 2 chihuahua’s, an English bulldog & a calico cat.
It’s never a dull moment at the Henriquez Household!
  • Arizona