Akai Smith

Akai Smith Portrait

Phone:(901) 326 – 1970
Email: akaitherealtor@gmail.com

A native of Memphis, TN, I am a proud HBCU graduate. Matriculating through college, I received both a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling at Southern University and A&M College, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Research at Louisiana State University. Before transitioning to real estate, I spent over a decade of my career in Higher Education where my passion for educating young adults thrived. In supporting a person’s desire to learn, I believe that education is a has the biggest influence to influence a person’s life and substantially shapes the future of young generations.

My journey from education to real estate is driven by an unwavering passion for empowering underserved communities, with a heart that has always been attuned to fostering growth and transformation. I understand firsthand the pivotal role that financial literacy plays in breaking barriers. Guided by this experience, my transition into real estate and insurance is a sincere endeavor to offer individuals the knowledge and tools they deserve to achieve financial prosperity. Through my authentic commitment and innate understanding of the challenges faced in this world today, I aim to ensure that every person I encounter has access to the transformative potential of real estate and financial freedom. My charge to Arizonans is, will you allow me to help you, help your family?

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