Kat Tyree

Kat Tyree Portrait


Cell: 520.730.5540
Office: 480.685.2760

Kat Tyree is a motivated professional who is dedicated to get your home sold, or to help you buy, in any market!
The phrase, “Here for You, All the Way Home” is on Kat’s signs and marketing materials. This statement embodies the spirit of service that gets the job done in the least amount of time, and at the best possible price, with the very best customer service.

Many marketing tools and a wealth of experience bring sellers exceptional results. A winning attitude combined with perseverance and the right experience and education to succeed with buyers in this competitive climate is your key to success. Architecture and Interior Design experience is added value for you…as I bring my prior career to help you stage for SALE.

Home selling is an art. Part negotiation, and part timing, staging, photos. All these elements move you to your next home.
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