Stefanie Ewbank

Stefanie Ewbank Portrait


Cell: 623.330.0806
Office: 480.685.2760

I have danced on desks, made up grammar songs, watched the proverbial lightbulb come on, and introduced some of the most influential dead people to middle school students. To say that I have a flair for the dramatics is an understatement.  Which makes me perfect for real estate!  Though I am no longer a classroom teacher, I still educate my clients through one of the biggest financial decisions of their lives.  I am a mama to 3 kids and a pack of dogs, a lifelong Cowboys fan, and a wanna-be gym-rat. We’re active in our church and looking forward to future mission trips.  If ever you can’t find us, we’re north, enjoying a warm cup of coffee or a trek through the forest.

  • Arizona