Upgrade Your Home’s Curb Appeal With These Easy Tricks

As prospective buyers think about making a move, the neverending search for the perfect home begins. From searching databases to drive-by’s, one question remains consistent in the minds of all house hunters, does it look nice?
The way a home looks on the outside is not only one of the most important aspects of a home, it is also a buyer’s first glimpse at a potential property and is usually one of the deciding factors on whether or not they want to go inside. If you are representing a seller or listing a home yourself, there are several easy and quick ways you can update the curb appeal of your home.
The first thing you should think about when updating your curb appeal is to walk around your house. Take note of the landscaping, grass, lighting, front entrance and the general exterior appearance. Is there landscaping that needs attention? Are there dead bushes and grassy areas? Are there lights that need to be replaced or should lighting be added? What does the paint look like…is it faded and chipped and in need of an update? Stand across the street and take in the big picture. How does the look of your home blend with the neighboring homes? It’s important to view your house from the perspective of a potential buyer.
A little paint goes a long way. Although painting an entire house is a time-consuming expense, there are ways you can still perk up your curb appeal with paint. Inexpensive planters as well as window sill flower boxes can be painted with bright pops of color. Go for colors that will stand out from the rest of the houses around you.
Plant flowers, bushes or a tree. Are there holes in your landscape? Go to a local nursery to gain expertise in the local flora and fauna in your area and spend according to your budget. In Arizona specifically, keep in mind where your drip systems are. Will your new plants need to be part of the drip system? If that is a concern choose cacti and agaves and low-watering plants if you are thinking of planting them to last. Remember, new buyers don’t want to move into their new home just to have parts of their yard die in a few months!
Ensure walkways, sidewalks and hardscape areas are clean. Don’t just focus on the softscaping of your home. Does your driveway and other concrete areas have stains? Is there any overgrowth of grass onto these areas? Are your pavers and stepping stones secure? It may be worth it to rent a pressure washer to clean up these areas.
Lastly, light up your exterior and create a livable space. Look at your house at night. Are there dark areas? Are your exterior lights bright enough? Would you want to walk around your house at night? Lighting can either be very expensive or thrifty depending on what you’re willing to invest. Several dollar-store solar pathway lights can go a long way around your walkway or driveway. Rope lights can be hidden under flower boxes and behind shutters or even added to stairs for a modern look. If you are buying new fixtures for your home, consider function as well as style. Choose lighting that will not only provide adequate light but will also mount into where your existing fixtures are. It’s important to make your home versatile and livable for anyone!
Dust off the excuses as to why you can’t perfect the curb appeal of your home. As homebuyers are back in the market for homes, yours could be the next one that they walk through. Be sure to get great professional photos of the home before listing it, as lots of potential buys could be steered away due to a lack of photos, unprofessional photos or not the correct photos. As always, hiring a professional and experienced REALTOR will be best for getting your home the exposure it needs. Use the above tips and tricks to ensure that your house and its curb appeal stands out against the others in your area and ultimately leads to offers on the table!